FAQS: Kedel Recycled Plastic Garden Furniture

Garden furniture enhances the beauty of outdoor spaces, providing both functionality and aesthetic appeal. At Kedel, we offer a range of recycled plastic garden furniture that is not only stylish and durable but also environmentally friendly. This FAQ guide aims to answer your most pressing questions about our recycled plastic garden furniture, highlighting its benefits, eco-friendly nature, and cost-saving advantages.

If you’re considering adding new outdoor furniture to your space, our recycled plastic garden tables, garden chairs, and benches are an excellent option. To help you make your decision, let’s take a closer look at some of our most commonly asked customer questions. 


What is Recycled Plastic Garden Furniture?

Recycled plastic garden furniture is made from discarded plastic waste, such as milk bottles and other containers. This waste is collected, cleaned, and processed into high-quality, durable materials used to create furniture items like benches, tables, and chairs. At Kedel, our furniture combines ecological responsibility with superior craftsmanship.


What are the main benefits of using recycled plastic for garden furniture?

There are numerous benefits to choosing recycled plastic garden furniture:

  1. Durability: Recycled plastic is incredibly resilient. It is resistant to rot, splintering, and insect damage, unlike traditional wood furniture. It also stands up to harsh weather conditions, including heavy rain, extreme sunlight, and snow.
  1. Low Maintenance: Unlike wood that needs regular painting, staining, or sealing recycled plastic furniture requires minimal upkeep. A quick wash with soap and water is usually enough to keep it looking new.
  1. Long-lasting: Thanks to its durability, recycled plastic furniture has a longer lifespan compared to other materials. It maintains its appearance and structural integrity for many years.
  1. Safety: Recycled plastic furniture often has rounded edges and does not splinter, making it safer for families with children.


How does recycled plastic furniture compare to wood or metal furniture?

Recycled plastic furniture outperforms wood and metal in several key areas:

Weather Resistance: Unlike wood, recycled plastic does not absorb moisture and does not crack or warp. Metal furniture is prone to rust, whereas recycled plastic remains unaffected by moisture.

Maintenance: Wood needs regular treatments to avoid decay. Metal might require painting to prevent rust. Recycled plastic, on the other hand, needs very little maintenance.

Lifespan: The durability of recycled plastic ensures it lasts much longer than wood or metal, leading to fewer replacements over time.


How is recycled plastic garden furniture environmentally friendly?

Recycled plastic furniture is eco-friendly for several reasons:

  1. Waste Reduction: By using plastic waste as raw material, we help reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills or oceans, minimising pollution and environmental harm.
  1. Conservation of Resources: Producing recycled plastic requires less energy and fewer resources compared to manufacturing new plastic or harvesting wood. This helps in conserving natural resources and reducing carbon footprints.
  1. Sustainability: By choosing recycled plastic furniture, consumers support a circular economy that emphasises reuse and recycling over the extraction of new raw materials.


How does Kedel ensure the sustainability of its products?

At Kedel, sustainability is at the heart of our mission. 

Source Responsibly: We use locally sourced plastic waste to minimise transportation emissions and support local recycling initiatives.

Energy Efficiency: Our production processes are designed to minimise energy consumption and maximise efficiency.

Longevity: By creating long-lasting products, we reduce the frequency of replacement and therefore the overall consumption of resources.


Is recycled plastic garden furniture cost-effective?

While the initial cost of recycled plastic furniture might be higher than some other materials, it offers significant cost savings in the long run:

  1. Longevity: Its extended lifespan means you won't need to replace your furniture as frequently, saving money over time.
  1. Low Maintenance: The minimal upkeep required translates to cost savings on materials and labor for maintenance.
  1. Weather Resistance: Recycled plastic’s durability against weather damage means fewer repairs and replacements.

Can recycled plastic furniture help save on long-term costs?

Absolutely. The total cost of ownership for recycled plastic furniture is typically lower than traditional materials because:

No Need for Treatments: Unlike wood, recycled plastic doesn't need staining, painting, or sealing.

Durability: Its resistance to fading, cracking, and weather damage reduces repair and replacement costs.

Time Saving: Less time spent on maintenance means more time enjoying your furniture.


Can recycled plastic garden furniture be customised?

Yes. Recycled plastic furniture comes in a variety of colours, styles, and designs, allowing for a high degree of customisation to match your aesthetic preferences and outdoor décor.


Does recycled plastic furniture look like it's made from recycled materials?

Not at all. Modern manufacturing techniques enable recycled plastic furniture to have a sleek, polished appearance that rivals traditional materials. It can mimic the look of wood or have a completely unique style of its own.


Is recycled plastic garden furniture safe for my family?

Absolutely. Recycled plastic furniture is free of harmful chemicals often found in treated wood. It doesn’t splinter, which reduces the risk of injury, making it a safe choice for families with children and pets.


How do I clean and maintain recycled plastic garden furniture?

Cleaning recycled plastic furniture is very straightforward, leaving you with more time to enjoy the garden :

  1. Regular Cleaning: A simple wash with soap and water will keep your furniture looking fresh.
  1. Stubborn Stains: Mild abrasives or a mixture of vinegar and water can be used for tougher stains without damaging the furniture.
  1. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Strong solvents or abrasive cleaners are unnecessary and could damage the surface.


Does recycled plastic furniture fade or discolour over time?

High-quality recycled plastic furniture, like that from Kedel, incorporates UV protection, making it highly resistant to fading and discolouration from sunlight exposure. 


Does Kedel offer a warranty on recycled plastic garden furniture?

Yes. We stand by the quality of our products and offer a robust warranty that covers any manufacturing defects or material issues. This ensures peace of mind with every purchase.

Recycled plastic garden furniture represents the ideal blend of durability, sustainability, and aesthetic appeal. It offers long-term cost savings, ease of maintenance and stands as an environmentally responsible choice. At Kedel, our range of garden furniture not only promises to enhance your outdoor experience but also contributes positively to the environment. Investing in recycled plastic garden furniture is a step towards a greener future while enjoying practical and stylish outdoor furnishings. Should you have any further questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact our customer service team.