How to create a sustainable garden
The RHS define sustainable gardening as 'the concept of using practices to maintain a garden so that natural resources are not exhausted and without causing ecological damage'.
At Kedel, our focus has always been to create the very best recycled plastic products. We put green, sustainable living at the heart of all our company decisions and make it as easy as possible for customers to incorporate it into their environments, including their gardens. In this blog we're going to look at some of the easiest ways you can switch up your gardening routine, introducing eco-friendly practices that will help save time, money and hopefully, the planet!
What is sustainable gardening?
Sustainable gardening is an important concept in the modern world. It’s about doing as much as possible to reduce our impact on the environment by being conscious of how we use resources and materials and how we care for our gardens. In sustainable gardening, we use recycled or sustainable materials and practices such as composting, water conservation, soil health, and natural organic pest management to create a thriving garden that will survive for many generations.
Switch to recycled plastic products.
Using recycled plastic materials is one of the best ways to practice sustainable gardening. By reusing plastic materials that would otherwise be thrown away, we are reducing our impact on the environment and helping to reduce landfill waste. For instance, Kedel's recycled plastic sleepers, plastic decking and planters can all be used instead of traditional wooden materials, which require regular treating and maintenance to protect them from the weather.
Save money with a water butt.
Another great way to practice sustainable gardening is to install a water butt. These are rainwater harvesting devices that are attached to your gutter and filled with rainwater instead of tap or shower water. This is perfect for when you want to water your plants and vegetables, as it is a more sustainable way of doing so. Additionally, water butts are an ideal way to save money as they can be used to supply outdoor and bathroom facilities with non-treated water.
Explore edible gardening
Having a healthy, thriving edible garden is another great way to practice sustainable gardening. This means using compost, good soil, and pest management techniques. A composter is an incredible aid for improving soil health and, when used generously, can greatly reduce both weeds and nutrient lock-up. As for pest management, it is important to practice natural and organic pest control techniques rather than using harsh chemicals that could be damaging to both human and animal health.
Permaculture gardening is another way to cultivate a sustainable garden. This is a holistic, natural style of gardening that focuses on the use of companion planting (where different types of plants are grown alongside each other) and other useful techniques, such as creating habitats for beneficial insects and animal shelters.
Choose the right plants for your environment.
When choosing plants, it is important to ensure that the design of the garden is balanced and that the right plant species are chosen for the right environment. Even when it comes to water features, sustainable gardening is key. Instead of using endless amounts of tap water, try using a natural water feature, such as a pond or stream. Not only does this look impressive, but it also provides a permanent source of water that doesn’t require the use of chemicals to keep it clean. Additionally, using a water feature also has many other benefits, such as providing a natural habitat for animals, purifying the water, and encouraging the production of oxygen. Another important aspect of sustainable gardening is reducing food waste.
Prioritise perennial Planting
Finally, planting perennial plants is a great way to create a sustainable garden. These plants are usually hardier and can survive more extreme conditions without the need for regular maintenance. Planting perennial plants is a great way to maintain a diverse ecosystem that supports your plants and provides them with vital nutrients that they would otherwise have to search for in the soil.
Why switch to sustainable gardening?
Sustainable gardening is a great way to do your bit for the environment, reduce stress, enjoy some relaxing time in nature and ultimately create a beautiful garden that will stand the test of time. By being conscious about what materials we use and how we care for our gardens, we can create a thriving, sustainable garden and do our bit to preserve our natural habitats for generations to come. To find out more about how Kedel can help you create a truly sustainable outdoor space, take a look at our range of recycled plastic outdoor furniture and landscaping products.